Page 19 - VG_Mayis2021
P. 19

• Carry forward and carry back of disallowed interest and   are subject to financing expense restriction application
           unused interest capacity: BEPS Action Plan 4 contains   except for taxpayers mentioned in the text of Law.
           suggestions on the usage of unused interest capacity
           or nondeductible interest expenses through carryback   The following entities are not subject to financing expense
           or carryforward by multinational companies. Within the   restriction.
           context of BEPS Action
            Plan 4, advisory provided below are presented to the   •  Credit institutions,
                                                              •  Financial institutions,
           •  to carry forward disallowed interest expense only   •  Financial leasing companies,
           •  to carry forward disallowed interest expense and unused   •  Factoring companies,
             interest capacity
                                                              •  Financing companies.
           •  to carry forward and carry back disallowed interest
             expense.                                         Foreign resources to be taken into account in scope of the
          As per the fixed ratio rule, operational deductible financing
          expenses are calculated by multiplying the EBITDA and the   Foreign resources are explained as “total short-term foreign
          fixed ratio. It’s suggested that interest expenses exceeding   resources and long-term foreign resources of the balance
          the deductible amount of interest expense should not be   sheet” in the Draft Communique published by Turkish
          included in the tax base.                           Revenue Administration.

          Besides BEPS, the EU ATAD requires Member States to   In this context, total of “3. Short-term Foreign Resources”
          implement a fixed ratio rule, designed to limit the ability of   and “4. Long Term Foreign Resources” shall be taken into
          entities to deduct for tax purposes net borrowing costs in a   account as foreign resources in practice according to Uniform
          given year to a maximum of 30% of Earnings Before Interest,   Chart of Accounts of taxpayers.
          Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA)
                                                              Expense and cost items to be taken into account in scope
                                                              of application
         Application of financing expense                     In accordance with the Law, expenses and costs incurred

         restriction in terms of corporate                    under the names of interest, commission, maturity
         taxpayers                                            difference, dividend, exchange difference and similar names
                                                              regarding the foreign resources used in the entity will be
                                                              taken into account in the application of the financing expense
         In accordance with the financing expense restriction, it   restriction. As a general principle, in order for an expense or
         will not be accepted to deduct the portion of the expense   cost element to be taken into account in the application of
         determined by the President as an expense, provided that   financing expense restriction, this expense or cost element
         it does not exceed 10% of the sum of expenses and cost   must have arisen due to the use of foreign resources and the
         elements made under the names of interest, commission,   duration of use of this resource.
         maturity difference, dividend, exchange difference and
         similar items related to foreign resources within the scope of   However, those that are added to the cost of the investment
         the specified criteria. The President determined the said rate   (including the amounts monitored in the "Construction
         as 10% to be applied to the taxation period earnings starting   in progress" account) of the cost of the economic assets
         from 1.1.2021 with the President's Decree dated 3 February   subject to depreciation (with or without incentive certificate)
         2021 and numbered 3490, published in the Official Gazette   will not be taken into account in the application of financial
         dated February 4, 2021.                              expense restriction.
         Specific cases regarding financing expense restriction shall
         be included in this letter.                          In the light of above explanations, it will be possible to
                                                              summarize the expenses and cost elements subject to
         Communique of Turkish Revenue Administration with    financial expense restriction as follows;
         respect to financing expense restriction
                                                              •  All kinds of interests and commissions
         Initial Draft Communique published by Turkish Revenue
         Administration on 24.03.2021 was updated based on    •  Maturity differences
         incoming opinions and implementation procedures have   •  Dividends
         been established through publishing serial no. 18 Draft
         Communique. At this point, we would like to state that the   •  Exchange differences
         Communique in question is still a draft as of date of our   •  Interest paid to financial leasing companies and not added
                                                                to the cost of fixed assets on a voluntary basis
         Covered and uncovered taxpayers                      •  Financial expenses, which are not added to the investment
                                                                cost, but are directly recognized as an expense, in
         All corporate taxpayers of which foreign resources exceeding   economic assets that are subject to depreciation with or
         their equities and which are subject to balance sheet basis   without incentive.

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