Page 8 - EY-VG_Aralik_2022_v3
P. 8

Vergide Gündem
             English Translation

                                            Daily food exemption is becoming TRY 110

                                            According to the 12-month averages from October to October, the producer inflation
                                            rate (D-PPI) was announced as 122.93 percent. This rate is also accepted as the
                                            2022 revaluation rate.
                                            The relevant laws specify which amounts will be increased at the revaluation rate and
                                            reset methods. Accordingly, many amounts such as income tax tariff brackets, stamp
                                            taxes, fees, penalties, exemptions and declaration limits that will be valid in 2023 will
                                            be calculated using the revaluation rate.
                                            However, it should be noted that the President has the authority to set a lower or
                                            higher rate than this rate.
                                            Food exemption

                                            In the event that food is not served at the workplace, the income tax exemption can
                                            be benefited if the meal costs, which do not exceed TRY 51 per day in December, are
                                            also deposited into the bank account of the personnel. Daily exemption amount is
                                            becoming TRY 110 for 2023.
                                            Transportation expenses

                                            In cases where the employers do not provide shuttle services to the employees, it
                                            is exempt from income tax provided that the daily transportation cost for the days
                                            worked does not exceed TRY 25.50 as of 2022/July and the related payments are
                                            made in the form of a public transport card, ticket or payment instruments used for
                                            this purpose. The limit of TRY 25.50 will be TRY 56 in 2023.

                                            Income tax tariff
                                            When the income brackets in the income tax tariff are increased at the revaluation
                                            rate (fractions up to 5 percent are deleted), the income tax tariffs that will be valid
                                            for 2023 are as follows:

                                             • Wage income

                                            Tax bracket                                               Tax Rate
                                            Up to TRY 70,000                                           15%
                                            TRY 10,500 for TRY 70,000 of TRY 150,000, for more         20%
                                            TRY 26,500 for TRY 150,000 of TRY 550,000, for more        27%
                                            TRY 134,500 for TRY 550,000 of TRY 1,900,000, for more     35%
                                            TRY 607,000 for TRY 1,900,000 of more than TRY 1,900,000, for more  40%

                                             • Non-wage income

                                            Tax bracket                                               Tax Rate
                                            Up to TRY 70,000                                           15%
                                            TRY 10,500 for TRY 70,000 of TRY 150,000, for more         20%
                                            TRY 26,500 for TRY 150,000 of TRY 370,000, for more        27%
                                            TRY 85,900 for TRY 370,000 of TRY 1,900,000, for more      35%
                                            TRY 621,400 for TRY 1,900,000 of more than TRY 1,900,000, for more  40%

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