Page 10 - EY-VG_Mayis_2019_v2
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EOIR is an exchange of information on a specific case   Countries continue to negotiate arrangements for the
          being requested of one Competent Authority from another   exchange of CbC reports.
          Competent Authority because the information is clearly
          related to the tax laws and regulations of the requesting   Off-shore centers before & after AEOI?
          country. The requesting country might ask an information
          i.e. financial, legal (substance), accountancy or ownership   In recent years, offshore financial centers have increased and
          (beneficial owners). Even if the requesting country   these centers continue to grow. According to BCG's Global
          already has the information, the requesting country in   Wealth Report 2018, global off-shore wealth amounted to US
          no circumstances can deny it on the grounds of banking   $ 8.3 trillion in 2017 with a growth of 6% compared to the
          secrecy. However, the requesting country should guarantee   previous year. In the next 5 years, the average of offshore
          full confidentiality in the handling of the information that   wealth is expected to grow by around 5%.
          transmitted by EIOR. 139 members have committed to
          implementing the international standard on EOIR.    The comparative data of year 2015 and 2018 are as follows:

          On the other hand, AEOI is an automatic way of chancing       2015 - 2018 Offshore Center Comparison
          information and means a periodic and systematic exchange                (Trillion USD)
          of information on a nonspecific case being requested of one   3.0
          Competent Authority from another Competent Authority   2.5
          based on international treaties and other agreements. In this   2.0
          case, paying entities or institutions collect the information at   1.5
          the source and transmit it in accordance with standardized   1.0
          and secure protocols between Competent Authorities. On the   0.5
          other hand, 100 countries and jurisdictions have committed   0.0  Switzerland  Channel   UK  Singapore  USA  Luxembourg Hong Kong
          to implementing the standard (Common Reporting Standard)        Islands
          on AEOI.                                                        & Dublin
                                                                                   2015         2018
          For AEOI purpose, OECD developed and approved the   According to the report, historically offshore centers have
          Common Reporting Standard (“CRS”) to meet the G20   been preferred for tax advantages. However, the regulations
          request. CRS covers a variety of “financial institutions”   that entered into force in the last 10 years have reduced
          including not only traditional banks but also custodial   offshore interest. “Tax transparency regulations” are the
          institutions, certain insurance companies and investment   most important factor in decreasing this interest.
          vehicles i.e. funds.
                                                              The above table explains why the German government in the
          Additionally, the standard also covers variety of customers   past years had purchased the financial account information
          i.e. individuals, entities, trusts and a requirement to look-  of German citizens in Swiss banks. After AEOI, the wealth
          through certain entities to report the beneficial owners.   in major offshore centers decreased around 27% from 8,4
          Finally, the information subject to exchange includes variety   trillion USD in 2015 to 6,1 trillion USD in 2018 and AEOI
          of financial account information for those customers i.e. as   may have an impact on this decrease.
          account balances and investment income.
                                                              Expectations from automatic exchange of
          According to the OECD Secretary’s General Report of
          December 2018 to the G20 Finance Ministers in Buenos   information
          Aires, more than 85 countries have initiated more than 4500
          reciprocal “AEOI” exchanges under CRS.              AEOI will globally contribute to the integrity of the
                                                              international financial and tax systems. In addition to that it
          Transparency in transfer pricing: CbC reporting     will also support other global transparency agendas i.e. anti-
                                                              money laundering and anti-corruption.

          BEPS actions covers to “automatic exchange in transfer   According to the OECD Secretary’s General Report of
          pricing”, which the action 13 called “Country-by-Country   December 2018 to the G20 Finance Ministers in Buenos
          Reporting”. According to the action 13, the participating tax   Aires, countries have already collected approximately 93
          authorities will automatically exchange key indicators i.e.   billion EUR in unbudgeted tax revenue because of voluntary
          such as profits, taxes paid, employees and assets of each   disclosure programs and other similar initiatives from 2009
          entity of Multinational Enterprise Groups with each other.
                                                              to June 2018 due to the first exchanges with AOEI.
          By using these key indicators, tax authorities can make risk
          assessments not only for the transfer pricing arrangements   How can tax functions respond?
          but also BEPS-related risks to evaluate a tax audit basis.
          Action 13 is one of the minimum standards of BEPS and   The ancient Chinese curse is “May you live in interesting
          Turkey committed to implement the minimum standards of   times” and the meaning of “interesting” is used for
          the BEPS including the action 13.                   “volatility, turbulence and uncertainty”. In today’s
                                                              environment, taxpayers live in interesting times and they are
          According to OECD, there are over 2000 bilateral exchange   surrounded by “transparency”, “regulation”, “anti avoidance
          relationships activated with respect to jurisdictions   rules” and “disclosures” in everywhere.
          committed to exchanging CbC reports as of April 2019.

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