Page 19 - EY_VG_Subat_2023_v2
P. 19

In case the gross rental income from the office exceeds the   If the income is partly exempt (for example, TL 9,500 of
          declaration limit, the whole income should be declared. The   residential rental incomes is exempt from income tax for the
          expenses would be deducted from the amount in question   year 2022), the exemption should first be deducted from
          using one of the methods of lump-sum expense or actual   the rent amount and the 15% lump-sum expense should be
          expense, depending on the income recipient’s preference in   deducted from the remaining income.
          order to reach the tax base.
                                                              Since there are no exempt amounts for rents received from
          The taxes withheld within the year by the tenant may be   offices, 15% of the rent should be deducted as lump-sum
          deducted from the income tax calculated, according to the   expense and the remaining amount should be declared.
          income tax tariff over the mentioned amount. The rate of
          withholding in question is 20% and it is made during the   It should be taken into account that those who select this
          payment of rental fee in cash or on account (including   method may not revert to the actual expense method before
          advance payments).                                  2 years.

          On the other hand, we would also like to remind you that over   2. Actual expense method
          the rent of the real estate rented as an office to taxpayers
          deriving business profits taxed under the simple procedure,   In the actual expense method, expenses that are listed in the
          income tax withholding is not applied by these taxpayers. The   article 74 of the Income Tax Law and that must be based on
          declaration limit for such rental incomes that are not subject   documents are deductible.
          to tax withholding or exemption application is TL 3,800. All   However, since TL 9,500 of the revenue is exempt from tax
          office rental incomes exceeding this amount in 2022 (that are   in case of residential rental income, the part of the expenses
          not subject to withholding tax) need to be declared.
                                                              corresponding only to the taxable gains should be calculated
          C. In cases where office and house rental incomes are   and deducted from the income.
                                                              Information regarding expenses deductible in the actual
          If rent is received both from a residential property and an   expense method is brought to your attention below:
          office, first of all, whether the house rent will be declared   a. Loan interests
          should be checked. Accordingly, if the house rents collected
          in 2022 by taxpayers in the scope of the exemption exceed   If the real estate acquired with a loan is rented, the interests
          TL 9,500, the income exceeding this amount should be   paid for the loan can be deducted from the rent income
          declared.                                           derived. As a matter of fact, if the loan interests exceed the
                                                              rent income, this amount is deemed as surplus expense,
          If the total gross amount of the rental income from office   which means that this part, which cannot be deducted
          that is subjected to withholding and residential rental income   from the rent income, can be deducted from other incomes
          exceeding the exemption exceeds the declaration limit of TL   declared.
          70,000, the office rental income should also be included in
          this declaration. On the other hand, if the total amount is   b. 5% of the house purchase price
          less than TL 70,000, only residential rental income shall be
          declared and office rental income shall not be included in this   5% of a real estate purchase price as a residence can be
          declaration.                                        deducted as expense for 5 years as of the year of acquisition.
                                                              However, if the expense calculated in this way exceeds the
          In case a tax return is submitted due to rental incomes   rent income derived, the exceeding part may not be deducted
          exceeding the exemption or declaration limit above, one   from other incomes or carried forward to following years.
          of the methods of lump-sum or actual expense would be
          selected to calculate the net revenue, depending on the   c. Rent of houses occupied
          income recipient’s preference and tax would be calculated
          over this amount according to the income tax tariff.   Another actual expense item on the other hand is the rent
                                                              paid by those who rent the houses they own and pay rent
          When office rental incomes are declared, taxes withheld   for another house they live in. The part of these rents
          throughout the year by the tenant would be deducted from   corresponding to the non-exempt gains can be deducted from
          the tax calculated on the tax return.               the revenue in accordance with the actual expense method.
                                                              However, as explained above, if the expense exceeds the rent
          D. Expenses to be deducted from rental income       income, the exceeding part may not be deducted from other
                                                              incomes or carried forward to following years.
          Expenses that may be taken into account in the determination
          of the declared rental income can be determined using two   d. Thermal insulation expenditures
          different methods, which are “lump sum expense” and “actual
          expense” methods. Taxpayers may choose the method they   Expenditures intended to ensure thermal insulation and
          prefer.                                             energy saving which provides a feature of increasing the
                                                              real estate’s economical value made by the leaser may
          1. Lump-sum expense method                          be deducted from rental income. On the other hand, in
                                                              the circumstance that these expenditures exceed the
          In this method, 15% of the rent can be deducted directly as   amortization limit (TL 2,000) in a single calendar year,
                                                              considering them as a cost is also possible.
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