Page 7 - EY-VG_Ocak_2019_v4
P. 7

Vergide Gündem
            English Translation

                                            Assessment on whether the liquidation loss

                                            of the affiliated company will be considered
                                            as an expense in the detection of corporate

                                            In this article, we will try to explain whether the liquidation process of the affiliated
                                            company results in loss in the presence of the participating company and whether
                                            the loss will be considered as expense in the detection of corporate income.

                                            Opinion of the Revenue Administration

                                            The administration has different rulings on different dates containing various
                                            opinions regarding the issue.
                                            Revenue Administration’s ruling dated 14.04.2006 contains explanations indicating
                                            that if any value of the participation shares is not left as a result of the liquidation of
                                            the affiliated company and if it is documented, it can be considered as an expense
                                            during the detection of the corporate income and removed from the entries.

                                            Revenue Administration’s ruling dated 06.10.2010, differentiating its previous
                                            opinion, refers that in the circumstance of a disposal of participation stocks that
                                            existed in the assets of the institutions for at least two full years, profit / loss arising
                                            in the transaction will be determined on the basis of the most recent revision before
                                            the transaction, the disposal’s occurrence during the liquidation process will not
                                            change the status; in the event that no gain arises from the sale of participation
                                            stocks that have been registered for more than 2 years, 75% of the losses
                                            (expenses) related to this sale shall be deemed as non-deductible expenses and
                                            will not be possible to deduct from earnings from other activities of the company,
                                            however the remaining 25% of the losses (expenses) related to this sale can be
                                            taken into account in detecting the cost as expense.

                                            Revenue Administration’s ruling dated 09.06.2011, contrary to the previous
                                            opinions, contained explanations indicating that it is not possible to consider the
                                            loss arising as a result of the affiliated company’s losing its value following the
                                            liquidation as an expense in the detection of corporate income.
                                            In the ruling’s detail, during the detection of commercial income, it’s indicated that
                                            the provisions of the Tax Procedure Law and the provisions of articles 40 and 41 of
                                            the Income Tax Law and the provisions on exemptions within the Corporate Tax Law
                                            should be complied and concluded that within the aforementioned articles there is
                                            no provision that the loss resulting from the liquidation of the affiliate cannot be
                                            considered as an expense in the detection of the corporate income.

                                            Judicial decisions

                                            In the circumstance that the shares in affiliates account are removed from the
                                            assets as a result of the decision on the liquidation of the affiliated company,
                                            regarding the controversy whether that loss would be taken into account during the
                                            detection of corporate income or not, the Fourth Chamber of the Council of State
                                            has decided that the loss resulting from the liquidation of the affiliated company
                                            should be taken into account during the detection of the corporate income and the
                                            ruling’s detail indicates that the participation of a company in another company is a

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