Page 10 - VGTemmuz_2015
P. 10

Vergide Gündem

        English Translation

                                New approach in the determination of
                                whether the refundable value added tax
                                is recovered through deduction

                                                    1. Introduction

                                                                The payer of the value added tax (VAT), which is levied on expenditures, is the final
                                                                consumer. This tax should not be ultimately born by enterprises, except the situations
                                                                specified in the VAT Law. The Law prescribes a deduction and refund mechanism to
                                                                ensure the realization of this consequence, which constitutes the principal rationale of
                                                                the value added tax practice for enterprises.

                                                                Taxpayers who have conducted exempt transactions cannot recover the taxes they
                                                                have incurred due to these transactions through the deduction mechanism. The
                                                                miscellaneous regulations in our legislation aim to relieve such transactions from tax,
                                                                either through refund or expensing methods.

                                                                In our tax literature, exempt transactions whose tax input is allowed to be refunded
                                                                are called “full exemption” or “transactions entitled to refund”, while exempt
                                                                transactions whose tax input is allowed to be booked as expense or cost are called
                                                                “partial exemption” or “transactions not entitled to deduction”.

                                                                The “input VAT” of the exempt transaction refers to the amount of VAT to be refunded
                                                                in respect of fully exempt transactions, while it refers to the amount of VAT whose
                                                                deduction will be cancelled in terms of partially exempt transactions.

                                                                In this article, we will discuss the regulations, methods, principles and new approaches
                                                                relating to the calculation of the transaction’s input VAT.

                                                    2. Input VAT of the exempt transaction

                                                                Under the article 32 of the VAT Law, the value added tax shown on invoices and similar
                                                                documents for fully exempt transactions shall first be subject to deduction, then
                                                                refunded if it cannot be recovered through deduction.

                                                                Based on the legal regulations, we could say that fulfilment of the three conditions
                                                                below would be required in order for a refund right to arise in relation with taxes subject
                                                                to deduction:

                                                                    a) It must be a transaction entitled to refund.
                                                                    b) There must be a tax that is incurred and subjected to deduction in respect of the

                                                                    c) The tax subjected to deduction should not have been recovered through


                                                                Input VAT refers to the total amount of taxes paid due to expenditures directly or
                                                                indirectly related with the performance of the service rendered in case of services
                                                                performed, or related with the manufacturing, acquisition, preservation and sale of
                                                                goods delivered, in case of deliveries of goods in the scope of exemption.

10 Temmuz 2015
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